Hive FAQ
What Is The Hive?
The Hive is a collaborative co-working facility that provides many of the ad-hoc benefits of the modern Internet-cafe, with the professional working environment and community aspects of a more traditional office. The Hive environment includes a cafe lounge area for socializing and ad-hoc collaboration, open plan office pods for 15-20 tenants, a modern conference room and a quiet room for those who wish to work in silence, or just relax on a bean bag and contemplate the universe.
What Is The Story Behind The Hive?
The Hive was conceived of several years ago by Andrew Luter, a serial entrepreneur, former technology professional and co-founder of BaseCamp Capital. Andrew experienced first-hand the huge gaps between the various office options available to entrepreneurs and free-lancers. While working at home sounded great, it proved to be distracting and lack the professional meeting space and community of traditional offices. On the other side of the spectrum, traditional office space was expensive and required long-term leases. Executive suites met some of his needs, but again demanded a high price point to pay for mahogany furniture, expensive phone systems, receptionists and high-end copiers - none of which was relevant to his business or branding. As the years unfolded Andrew resorted to subleases and Internet cafes to meet his needs - both sub-optimal options. Only recently have open source software solutions, telephony offerings, networking solutions and working "norms" caught up with the original Hive vision and enabled the concept's launch.
Who Is Your Ideal Tenant?
I am not sure that there is an ideal tenant, as such. We think that the concept will initially appeal to Cultural Creatives such as designers, writers, architects, developers, entrepreneurs, programmers, brand builders, marketing gurus, PR mavens, technologists, artists, media professionals and photographers.
Why Do You Call It a Co-op?
While not a co-op in the strictest sense of the word, our vision for The Hive relies heavily on our tenant's ability to build a cooperative community of like minded individuals for the benefit of the group. Our model for this space mirrors the Open Source software movement in which we will create the framework and initial design for the space, but the tenants will drive the energy and culture on a going-forward basis.
What Amenities Do You Offer?
We provide a secure access via cardkey, a cafe lounge, a fridge, a dishwasher, a coffee machine, nightly maid service, a conference room, cool and functional semi-private desk pods, 802.11G WiFi (moving to N-spec soon), a chill-out room with desks and bean bags.
What Amenities Don't You Offer?
A secretary, a copier (Kinkos does a better job and is just down the street), a phone system with cheesy hold music, mahogany paneling, a legal library, 80's faux wood desks, boredom.
How Do I Make Phone Calls?
How do you make calls now? We assume most freelancers/entrepreneurs/road warriors use cell phones and VOIP solutions 90% of the time. We didn't see much sense in charging everyone for a phone system they don't really need. With systems like Skype offering call forwarding and voicemail, and other services offering outsourced "big company" menu-driven phone systems - you can look just as big as you feel.
What About A Fax Machine?We had not planned to put a fax machine in the space, but we could easily be convinced otherwise.
Can I Arrange To Have My Mail Delivered To The Hive?Absolutely. You will need to reference The Hive, or the our suite number in your address (Suite 30) and the building's day porter will deliver the mail daily to a common inbox in the space.
Where Is The Hive Located?
The initial Hive location is in the Central Platte Valley (CPV) of Denver, adjacent to the ultra-hip LoHi district and Confluence Park.
Initial Location?
Yes, our Central Platte Valley space is the first of what we hope will be many Hive environments we plan to build out around the country. Near-term plans call for a Boulder location, as well as others around the country.
What Could My Day Be Like?
Start by riding your bike to work on the Platte River Trail. Lock it up on our complementary racks and walk half a block to Paris On The Platte for freshly roasted coffee. Say a silent prayer that you don't have to try to work out of here any more. Head back to The Hive's cafe lounge, fire up your laptop, check your email, and compare your weekend antics with other Hive Tenants. Confirm your 11 o'clock by cell phone -- find out that you need to show some live HTML of your concept during the meeting. Ping a few of the Hive's code monkeys with an emergency request to crank out some shiny demo screens - and get an instant response from Joe, who you designed a logo for just last week. Email your art files to Joe and amble across the street for a late breakfast at Monas. Back to The Hive to review Joe's demo - not bad for an hours work. Your client arrives at 11. Loves the office, "A huge improvement over meeting at Starbucks". Score. Usher her into the conference room - dazzle her with your concept and Joe's sweet demo screens. Walk her up the back stairs for a killer lunch at Sushi Sasa. Close the deal. Celebrate by snagging a rental boat from Confluence Kayaks and going for an energizing afternoon paddle on the kayak course across the street. Take a quick shower back at The Hive, and then back to your desk to grind out your final proposal of the day. Satisfied, walk upstairs to Wilderness Exchange to pick up a few things for your weekend climbing trip, and then bop across the street to buy some organic grinds at the Vitamin Cottage. Clear your head with a 2 minute walk across the new Highland Bridge on the way to meet your friends at Lolas in time for happy hour. Back to The Hive after a quick detour to pick up a dinner upstairs at Protos Pizza. Crack open a Red Bull. Sure its late - but it is your business, your office and in here the energy flows late into the night.
What Does The Hive Look Like?
Check out the Hive Photos We will post images as we build out the space.
Can We Use The Hive Space To Host BarCamp?Absolutely. We will work with any tenant to host events like BarCamp, Tech Meetups, and Ruby on Rails hackathons.
Do You Allow Pets?
Currently, no. It goes against our lease, and there are allergy issues with some folks. There is a doggy daycare just down the street.
How Do I Get There?
The Hive is located adjacent to I-25, 3 blocks from Union Station and on a major bike path. As huge advocates of alternative transportation, we suggest travel by foot, skateboard, bike, light rail, bus or scooter.
Won't I Get Sweaty?
Not to worry - The Hive is equipped with a shower.
Let's Say I Need To Drive, Where Can I Park?
You can find plenty of free and paid parking options within a few blocks of The Hive. There is a great longer term option just down the street at the 1700 Block of Platte Street, across from the Platte River Rowing Club. You can purchase a month to month parking pass for $25. To park, just head over and pick up a pass from the lot's owners, Grand American, whose offices are in the Platte River Rowing Club at 1768 Platte, Suite 100. If you need more info, call Ellen or Becky at 303-297-8090.
Where Can My Clients Park?There are plenty of metered spaces right out front.
Sounds Great - It Must Cost A Fortune!
Not at all. Keep in mind we are looking to support independent business - not huge corporations. Our introductory pricing is as follows:
$349/Month for the Anchor Plan (About the cost of 3 Starbucks Lattes Per Day)
$199/Month for the Hotdesk Plan (About the cost of 2 Starbucks Lattes Per Day)
$129/Month for the Nights and Weekends Plan (About the cost of 1 Starbucks Latte Per Day)
Nights and Weekends?
Yes, one of the things that this concept will allow us to do is to cater to the moonlighting crowd (think PR mavens, photographers, designers and web 2.0 architects) who start their second shift right after the first. By offering a nights and weekends plan, we hope to continue to stoke the fires of entrepreneurialism throughout this great land. Plus, at $129/Month - how can you beat it?
What Does the Anchor Plan Include?
For $349/Month you will be considered an anchor tenant and have 24X7 access to The Hive, an assigned desk for the duration of your tenancy, unlimited Internet access, and use of the conference room.
What Does the Hotdesk Plan Include?
For $299/Month you will have 24X7 access to The Hive, use of a hotdesk, unlimited Internet access, and use of the conference room.
What Does the Nights and Weekends Plan Include?
For $129/Month you will have access to The Hive from 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. during the work-week and unlimited use on weekends, use of a hotdesk, unlimited Internet access, and use of the conference room during your valid usage hours.
What is a Hotdesk?
Hotdesks are unassigned desks available for ad-hoc usage by Hotdesk and Night and Weekend Plan tenants.
Wow That's Cheaper Than Apartment Rent - Can I Live/Sleep Here?
Short answer - No. That would be a violation of your lease, and abuses could get you kicked out for good. That said, a short nap in the chill-out room is good for the soul.
How Do I Pay My Rent?
We prefer Paypal/Credit Card.
How do I Pay By Credit Card?
Via PayPal.
How Do I Schedule The Conference Room?
Easy. Go here and schedule the room for the time you need. If someone already has that slot, please pick another or meet in the cafe lounge area.
How Do I Cancel My Lease?
By definition this space is month to month. We do ask that you give written notice (email ok) within 7 days of the end of the month that you will be vacating the space, and ask that you return the access card (those little guys are pricey). Easy, no?
What If I Don't Pay My Rent?
If rent is not received within 5 days of the beginning of the month, it will be assumed that you have canceled your lease and your access card will be turned off. If we have not received your card back within 15 days of the beginning of the month, you will be charged for the access card. If you still have items in the lockers at that point, your lock will be cut and the items removed and sent at your expense to your last known address.
What if Someone Eats My Spaghetti?
Not that we are looking to create a Lord of the Flies environment here, but part of The Hive concept involves some self-policing and ad-hoc rule making. We have established a Rules of the House section of the Wiki for this reason. Tenants are free to add/delete/edit in the spirit of the wiki. Keep in mind,however, you are still bound by the terms of your lease.
Can I Leave My Things In The Office?
If you are a Night and Weekend or Hotdesk Plan tenant, you must clean off your desk when you leave for the day/night. Anchor Tenants will have permanently assigned desks, and can leave personal items, pictures, files, etc. on their desks. That said, we would not recommend leaving anything out that might disappear unlocked on the desk. This is a rule of thumb for traditional offices as well, so nothing new here. Neither The Hive management nor the building owner will take responsibility for any lost or stolen items.
What About Leaving Printers and Monitors?
We will provide the ability to cable lock your gear to the table, so things like printers and monitors can be left for the night.
What If I Borrow A Monitor or iPod From a Hive Tenant?
We are sure that your own ethical nature, in addition to the security logs on the doors and the hallway video cameras should be enough of a deterrent to "borrowing" items without asking. If not, keep in mind that removal of any items not yours from the space is considered theft. Your lease will be immediately terminated and the authorities contacted.
What About Locking Things Up?
In addition to the ability to cable-lock devices, we will be providing 20 standard lockers (think high-school) in the facility for tenants to use on a first-come first-served basis.
Those Are Cool Chairs. They Would Look Great In My Apartment!While we are spending a fortune to outfit and furnish The Hive for your working pleasure, we would ask that all of the furnishings stay in the space. See \"What If I Borrow A Monitor or iPod From a Hive Tenant?\" above.
Will This Work For Me?
I Sell Enterprise Software And I Am On The Road 3 Days a Week - Will This Work For Me?
Absolutely, if you are a road warrior in need of the occasional office space and conference room, our hotdesk plan is perfect for you.
We Have a 2/3/5-Person Software Start-up - Will This Work For Us?
Absolutely, and as you grow we have access to more traditional office space to accommodate your needs.
We Office Out of Boulder, But Sometimes Need A Denver Presence - Will This Work For Us?
Absolutely, at $299/Month for our Hotdesk Plan you will have a permanent Denver presence, conference room, desk and Internet access whenever you need it - all for less than the price of a single day in private meeting suite at one of Denver's hotels!
We Have a 8-Person Design Shop and Need Privacy - Will This Work For Us?
It depends. If you need your own private offices, then we could recommend better solutions for you nearby. However, if you can work in an open-plan environment 90% of the time, and have your private meetings behind closed doors in the conference room - then absolutely.
I Am An Accountant/Lawyer And Need To Keep All Of My Files Secure - Will This Work For Me?
If you are an accountant or lawyer who keeps copious files, and requires privacy and file security, The Hive is not for you. That said, we have other solutions that might work. Contact us at hivecoop (at) gmail.com for more information.
This Is Incredible! When Do You Open?
Our initial space in Denver is slated to open on May 1, 2007.
OK, I Am Sold - How Do I Sign Up?
Go to the sign-up page, download and read the lease, follow the instructions from there.
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